To unlock debug mode in the game, you will need to follow these steps:
- Open the game as normal. From the Main Menu select “Start game” and select the No Save
- When the SEGA logo appears, tape the letters in order - S, then E, then G, then A. If done correctly, you will hear a ring chime.
- After you hear this sound, immediately press and hold two fingers on the bottom half of the screen. Keep your fingers on the screen while the game loads, and after a few seconds the hidden level select menu will appear.
- From here you can enter the code to unlock Debug Mode by playing the following sounds in order in the Sound Test: 01, 09, 09, 01, 00, 06, 02, 03. If done correctly, you will hear another ring chime sound.
- Now, select a level of your choice from the level select menu. If the previous steps have been completed correctly, you will be able to access the Debug Menu by tapping the top left hand corner of the screen, where the score is. You may be taken to the pause menu when you do this – if this happens, select “Continue” to return to the game.
If done correctly, your character will have replaced with a Ring. By tapping the – or + symbol at the top of the screen you can change the Ring into a variety of items, and move the item around the screen with the movement buttons. To place the item you have selected, tap the Jump button.
To switch back to your character, tap your score at the top left of the screen again. As before, you may be taken to the pause menu – if so, select “Continue” to return to the game.
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